In other words, a spiral career served life purpose more than a product line. 换句话说,这种类型的职业道路服务的是生活目标,而非一条产品线。
An experimental study of the self-cleaning capacity of the autorotation spiral line in the heat exchanger tube 换热器管内自转螺旋自动清洗能力的试验研究
A kind of prestressed concrete beam with spiral broken line cables subjected to torsion is present based on the principle of generalized equivalent loads of prestress cables. 对配有折线螺旋形预应力筋的混凝土受扭梁与通常配有纵向预应力筋的混凝土受扭梁进行了加载试验。
According to philosophers, society moves ( if it advances at all) in a spiral line. 根据哲学家的说法,社会进步呈螺旋式上升,(如果它终究是在进步)。
Fish skin paper-cut design of Hezhe includes animal totem, Saman trees, paper-cut of the spiral line, etc. The lines are smooth, style is rough, and the decorating is strong. 赫哲族的鱼皮剪纸样式有动物图腾、萨满树,螺旋纹剪纸等,线条流畅,风格粗犷,装饰性强。
There was a hole in the center of and a fine spiral groove that is a continuous spiralling line of closely written characters. 在中心有一个洞和精细的螺旋刻纹,是近乎书写状连续螺线。
A circular hoop sheet is punched with a spiral line, and one end of the spiral line penetrates through the connecting piece to contact a bottom plate to engage with the screw. 圆形箍片冲制有螺线一端穿过连接件贴靠在底平面并与螺钉相啮合。
Thinking patterns and linguistic patterns are interactive and develop in a spiral line. 思维模式、语言模式及其意义相互影响,相互促进,处在一个动态的、螺旋式的发展过程之中。
Cutter distribution design, realizing four kinds of cutter distribution methods such as equivalent spiral line, varied spiral line, equivalent distance and varied distance. 布齿设计,实现了等距螺旋线、变距螺旋线、等间距、变间距方式下的布齿设计。
The equation of the positive spiral surface are expressed with the conventional cylindrical spiral equation. The line connecting two points on the positive spiral surface ( geodesic) can only be expressed with differential equation, which his no practical meaning. 目前关于正螺面方程是用常规的圆柱螺线方程表示,而正螺面上任意两点间的连线(短程线)只能用微分方程表示,并无实际意义。
A new method, which is based on the spiral line equations, for the spiral calculation in the spiral plate heat exchangers was introduced in this paper. Its general calculation formulas with their derivation were given. 提出了一种基于螺旋线方程的、全新的螺旋板换热器螺旋计算方法,给出该算法的计算公式以及公式的导出过程。
Development and application of high-frequency/ submerged arc dual-function spiral weld-pipe mill line 高频-埋弧双功能螺旋焊管机组的研究与应用
Results: The spiral wave tip drifted along a straight line when the driving period precisely equaled resonance period. 结果:周期驱动达到共振频率时,旋波头会沿着直线漂移;
Analysis on application of the spiral accumulator to high frequency weld pipe production line 螺旋焊管的成型技术螺旋活套在高频直缝焊管机组上的应用及分析
Method: The method of strong aqua ammoniac induced cough, the method tracheal spiral line and phenolsulfonphthalein excretion test were used. 方法:采用浓氨水诱咳法、酚红排泌法和气管螺旋条法研究镇咳、祛痰和平喘作用。
The normal calculation formulas of the strength of the well pipe and the endured connection FRP threads of the spiral line's length are given. 最后推导出管道本体和受力连接螺纹强度设计、螺纹螺旋线总长等通用计算公式。
On blade spiral line of mixing drum for truck concrete mixing 混凝土搅拌车搅拌筒叶片螺旋线的探讨
A calculating method for the interpolation of cylinder spiral-line was prompted based on the time-divided method. The principle of this method was researched and deduced. 基于时间分割的方法,提出了一种圆柱螺旋线的插补算法,对该方法的基本原理进行了研究,并用数学方法进行了推导。
Research on spiral strip line generator for obtaining millimicrosecond pulsed high voltage 产生毫微秒脉冲高压的螺旋形带状线发生器的研究
Spiral CT imaging clearly demonstrated fracture line position, number, size and translocation of fracture fragments. 螺旋CT成像技术二维(2D)和3D能清楚地显示骨折线的位置、走向、骨折范围、类型及骨折块的移位。
The accomplishing method is that the attack angles of aerodynamic forces are made changing along transmission line so aerodynamic forces are made being approximate balance state by spiral winding plastic belt on transmission line. 实现的方法是在输电线螺旋地缠绕横截面为三角形的塑料带,使气动力的攻角沿输电线的长度方向周期性地变化,使作用在输电线上的气动力近似地成为平衡力系。
Envelope of Cross lines and Spiral Line on Pitch Surface of Envelope Worm 曲面交线族的包络及环面蜗杆节面螺旋线
A study concerning the feasibility of equipment for producing the inner ribbed spiral tubes with the existing pipe welding line is given. 分析了在现有焊管机组上生产内凸筋螺旋焊管的设备可行性。
This power vector and productive force cause the trace of historical process to spiral up around the axial line. 这个动力矢量与生产力共同推动历史轨迹围绕中轴线螺旋式波动上升。
Spiral structural line of bias cut clothing whose shape is elegant breaks the structure of routine clothing and can meet the pursuit of modern people for personalized clothing in some ways. 服装的螺旋分割线打破了常规服装的结构分割线,且造型优美,能从某种角度满足现代人对服装个性的追求。
The article studied on a pattern making method of bias cut clothing having spiral structural line introduced from abroad. 本文对从国外引进的一种具有螺旋分割线的斜裁服装制板方法进行研究。
Swirling water jet is a high-pressure water through the nozzle from the orientated impeller inside the drill which is a diffusive jet with the three-dimension speed moving along the spiral line and has a particular structural properties and high rock-breaking efficiency. 旋转水射流是高压水经过钻头内部的导向叶轮从喷嘴脱离后形成的具有三维速度、沿螺旋线运动的扩散性射流,其结构特性独特,破岩效率高。
The paper, which is entrusted by Shandong Yong Tai Iron and Steel Technology Co., Ltd., aims to design the automatic control system of spiral pipe production line. 本课题是受山东甬泰钢铁科技有限公司的委托,研制螺旋焊钢管生产线自动控制系统。